Cleanroom classifications depend upon adherence to protocol to keep contaminants and particulates from infiltrating your strictly regulated environment. But even with the most extensive training and preparation, you may find fighting contamination is an uphill battle. At Medco Supplies, we’ve taken a closer look at 3 common ways contaminants can be introduced into a cleanroom setting and given you a suggestion for combating each of them.
Choosing the cleanroom supplies that are right for your facility or laboratory leaves no margin for error. That’s why the pros at Medco Supplies have compiled this list of 5 things to know before you start ordering cleanroom supplies.
What is the Classification?
When choosing cleanroom supplies, it is essential to understand what ISO (International Organization for Standardization) classification you have at your laboratory. When you know the class num...
A cleanroom is no place to have a mess. Having the right wipes, or wipers, on hand is essential to keeping disorder to a minimum. At Medco Supplies, we stock plenty of wipers so your employees can tidy up everything from unexpected spills to normal working day messes.