What You Should Never Wear in a Cleanroom

When it comes to dressing properly for a cleanroom, there will be a checklist of cleanroom apparel, most of which is available from Medco Supplies, that you will need to wear. You will also need the right personal protective equipment (PPE) for the kind of work you will be doing. Your cleanroom garment choices will depend on the ISO class of your workspace. But aside from these obvious standards, there are clothing and accessory choices you need to be careful to avoid.
Avoid the extras
While dangling jewelry and watches are obviously inappropriate for the cleanroom, you may not have thought about your contact lenses. If you need to use the eyewash station in case of an emergency, contacts will first have to be removed, which can cause delays and harm to the eyes. Cologne and perfume should be eliminated. Additionally, makeup and eyelash extenders should also be avoided since it can shed from the skin. Even lip balm and nail polish can make you non-compliant.
Avoid the shedding
Your clothes need to be completely covered to reduce particulate generation. Loose, baggy and oversized pants are a poor choice for cleanrooms. Fringes, fleece and fuzzy clothes should also be eliminated. Hair needs to be tied up and placed in a hair cover.
Pants made of polyester are much more resistant to chemical spills than cotton pants or jeans. Dirty clothes and shoes should be left outside the cleanroom in your locker. Coveralls and shoe covers may not be enough to contain the dirt or to protect from chemical splashes.
Avoid the static
Electrostatic discharge environments are sensitive to static release. Certain types of clothing increase the potential of static build-up, such as fibrous sweaters, wool or silk clothing. There are heel grounder straps and conductive shoe covers that can be used to help eliminate movement-charged static.
Cleanroom approved
Contaminants in the cleanroom are a major concern for most corporations. Medco Supplies has the cleanroom supplies for each ISO class cleanroom so you can remain compliant but also so your work is as safe and clean as possible. Whatever level of cleanroom you keep, consider our certified products as your best safety net.